The Direct Tax Vivad Se Vishwas Scheme, 2024 (hereinafter referred to as DTVSV Scheme, 2024) has been enacted vide Chapter IV of Finance (No. 2) Act, 2024 to provide for dispute resolution in respect of pending income tax litigation. The objective of the Scheme is to, inter alia, reduce pending income tax litigation, generate timely revenue for the Government, and benefit taxpayers by providing them peace of mind, certainty, and savings on account of time and resources that would otherwise be spent on the long-drawn and vexatious litigation process.

The commencement date of the said Scheme has already been notified as 1.10.2024. Further, Rules and Forms for enabling the Scheme have also been notified on 20.09.2024. After the enactment of the DTVSV Scheme, 2024, several queries were received from the stakeholders seeking guidance in respect of various provisions contained therein.

Accordingly, under Section 97 of the DTVSV Scheme, 2024 which empowers the Board to issue directions or instructions in public interest, following Guidance Note in the form of answers to the frequently asked questions (FAQs) is hereby issued. This will be helpful for the tax-payers for creating better awareness and understanding with respect to the provisions of the Scheme.